Saturday 21 June 2008

Family keep Amy in hospital

AMY WINEHOUSE could be in hospital for weeks after relatives vowed to do
whatever it takes to make her quit drugs.

The Rehab singer, 24, has an irregular heartbeat after she collapsed at home
on Monday.

Her family hope it may be the wake-up call she needs.

They have also talked about sectioning her if she tries to leave the London
clinic where doctors are trying to wean her off heroin.


Dad Mitch, 57, said yesterday: "Amy is doing fine. She is staying in as long
as possible."

A source added: "She’ll be in there for a while if her family get their way.

"There is a feeling they can have a good crack at sorting her out this time."

The star, who has also battled crack addiction, had a massive overdose last
summer — said to be linked to her collapse.

SUN Doctor Carol Cooper said: "Crack narrows blood vessels and raises
pressure. It is toxic to the heart muscle, causing an irregular beat.

"A heart attack is one of the most common ways for the drug to kill. But if
Amy’s lucky, she’ll feel much better in 48 hours."